Kayla Moore,
“When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.”
― Robert Frank
I am a wife, mother, and photographer. I have always liked taking images of my children, but my passion really started on my husbands second deployment. To pass the time i got into this as a hobby. Helping other military familes capture ever lasting memories of their loved ones leaving or returning. Helping capture their children growing up while they were away. Offering military familes a little piece of home so far away.
From there i worked in a portrait studio for awhile learning new tips and tricks on how to make the image look just right. By then we had moved to texas and i was starting all over with knowing the area, new clients, and a new change in area.
Once my husband got out of the army we moved back home and i noticed there wasn't really any local photographers. From there i decided i wanted to get back into my passion so here i am today.
I mostly specialize in outdoor photography but do some studio photography when its cold outside during the winter months. I just think outdoor photography gives more to an image than a studio ever can.
Kayla Moore